Interview Tips - Tell me about yourself!

What do you consider to be your most significant accomplishment so far?
This is so common question. Interviewer questions can be start with "Tell me about your experience". To answer such question you can consider using the some POINT technique. This will help you better organise your ideas. 
The other word is STAR which stands for 4 steps to answer any interviewer question.
First of all, Situation set the context for your story. tell the interviewer the background of the event that you will talk about. 
Task- what was the required of you. list your responsibilities during your last work experience. 
Then, Activity can be what you actually did. Discuss the specific activities or tasks that you performed.
Lastly, Result which will bring the situation played out. tell the interviewers what was the goal you achieve or impact of what you did. 

* Collected from Internet.


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